MITdesignX courses
4.S36 / 4.S38 ACT: Transversal Design for Social Impact
As a collaboration between ACT and the Morningside Academy of Design (MAD) through MITdesignX, this course provides students with a platform to interact and learn from a multidisciplinary array of experts from the MIT art and design ecosystem. Through guest speakers and hands-on workshop sessions, this course emphasizes introspection and thoughtful deliberation. The course curriculum merges the analytical depth of art with the transdisciplinary perspective of MITdesignX to interrogate challenging problems from a social impact lens and explore opportunities for impactful solution designs. [3-0-3 G I W 6-9 pm]
4.S24: X Machine: AI and Design Innovation
In an AI-enhanced future, humans will become better at everything. The machine targets real-world artificial intelligence challenges designed to help address issues related to climate change, and urbanization in cities. X Machine is an accelerator workshop designed to bring computer science and architecture together to create the most innovative and impactful technology solutions. The program's aim is to provide mentorship and technical support, with a focus on the problem statement and early-stage technology design ideation. [2-0-6 G | R 10-12]
11.345: Entrepreneurship in the Built Environment
The scope and intensity of opportunities and challenges facing the human habitat calls for the discovery of new transdisciplinary solutions. This half semester course will introduce you to the transformative power of design innovation and entrepreneurship. Through experiential learning in a workshop setting, you will start to develop the skillset and the mindset of an entrepreneur. The leadership skills and curiosity of the entrepreneurial mind are qualities that are highly sought after across all industries and throughout the startup space. An entrepreneur in the built environment is expected to identify problems and opportunities that will improve the human condition, and develop an effective solution for them. We will focus on framing a problem (before solving one) in order to understand the needs of people who experience them. This process will include interviews, data collection and analytical observation. You will identify real problems and then work in teams to determine their scope and begin to develop a solution. Teams will create new venture proposals for the built environment as a method to understand the role of the entrepreneur in the fields of design, planning, construction, real estate, transportation and other related industries. [2-0-4 G | W 9-11]
4.183: Architectural Design Workshop — Designing a Climate Corps for MIT
Through this class, students will explore the idea of creating a "climate corps" for MIT: a way for students (and potentially alumni) to take action for climate and environmental justice on campus and in Cambridge and greater Boston community, while building skills and experience. The class will involve robust stakeholder engagement (fellow students and student groups, alumni, faculty, staff, administration, community partners ...) and the delivery of recommendations and scenarios for the creation of an MIT Climate Corps. MITOS will be either the client or at the least a close partner to the class. [3-0-9 G]